Thursday, January 21, 2010

Moving constantly

Marriage - means settling down

for me it has happened the other way round

'cause ever since I have got married

I have only and only got harried

Of moving constantly from one city to another

In search of a life that would be better than the other

From Hyderabad to Bangalore was the first trip

then back from Bangalore to Hyderabad was the second flip

The third trip was to Bangalore again

and now I'm off to Delhi on a plane

I hope this brings my nomadic life to an end

for, settling down is what I intend

Though today I must admit this

all the cities I've been to, I will surely miss

So goodbye to one and all

I'll keep in touch and I will call

With this promise off I go

or I'll want to write more and more........

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A day in my life

I wake up every morning as the clock strikes seven

that is the time for me to spring into action

After a good night's sleep

it's time for some housekeep

Once the kids are scurried off to school

only then, do I find time to recharge my fuel

So after my first cup of tea

I get down to my other duty

Off goes the dirty laundry into the machine

which rattles everytime it spins, as a routine

I skip breakfast and do with something to munch

therefore, straight comes the turn for making lunch

A Herculean task, making food that is

once that is done, I feel at ease

Feeding the kids, seems like an era in history

and adds in plenty, to my misery

I return to the kitchen, to fix dinner

which takes place at nine, no sooner

Putting the kids to bed, is not so bad

having that accomplished, I do feel glad

With that, I bid my chores adieu

and retire to bed, without much ado.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This pretty much describes my state of mind most of the time

City lights and broken dreams
that's all my life is made of.....
Empty mornings make me wanna go
to places no one has gone before.
How did I come to where I am, I do not know
for what I left behind is all I look forward to
if only life gave me a second chance.

Makar Sankranti (Harvest Festival)

I remember this day for just one thing, chivda and curd with jaggery. That is what people have for breakfast in Bihar on this day. I never liked the combination to even try it when I used to live in the state but did develop a taste for it in my own time.
I was in Delhi and had this Bengali roommate who one day insisted that I have the very thing for breakfast, with one little difference, instead of jaggery she put juicy ripe mangoes with the curd and the chivda...... to my own disbelief I LOVED IT! This girl really got me to develop a taste for it with all kinds of sweets as well, be it the famous "sandesh" or the humble "peda"
When I was carrying my first baby I had a huge craving for the same thing and would have it first thing every morning till he actually arrived. I preferred having it with mangoes so my husband had a tough time looking for ripe mangoes even when the season for them had long gone. My baby only arrived in September and till that time I somehow managed a ripe mango if not every day then every week for sure.

Three idiots & Paa

I love watching comedies and don't mind non-sensical ones for their sheer entertainment quotient.
This movie which has broken all records, has somehow failed to impress me. Maybe I went with a different expectation out of the movie. I just found the glorification of the protagonist too unrealistic. I just couldn't ignore the practical side of things while watching the scenes which were meant only to make the audience laugh. I did enjoy the movie and really appreciated the message that it had to give to a lot of Indian parents but still wouldn't vote for it as one of the best movies I have seen.
Paa, on the other hand was a pleasure to watch. I was a little sceptical to watch it initially as I really don't like watching sad movies and that is what I thought this one was, a sad movie with a tragic story but once I started watching it, I just got glued on. I do think it is a very well made movie.