Monday, April 26, 2010

I believe in miracles

It had almost become a habit for the past few years

that each Sunday I'd wake up, with a will to goto church

but would inevitably get caught in the routine of day to day life

there would always be something to hold me back to set foot out

but yesterday, it was very different.

I guess it was nothing less than Divine intervention

I woke up at the usual time and went about my usual routine

debating, whether I should or shouldn't go

But there was something that day that kept on prodding

and didn't let me laze around, wasting time till it was too late to go.

I went and spent time at the old building, reminiscing about the one

I had gone to as a little girl .

I sat there thinking about my life

about what this particular Sunday would turn out to be

I was happy to have attended the service

and I wanted this day to be special

but I knew I had to get back home and get back to my boring routine

so I prayed to God to do something which would bring some joy in my life

and to my pleasant surprise he had done just that

for I met this lady who I hold very close to my heart in God's own house

I rarely experience such extraordinary events

so I am thrilled at my good fortune and know that God is kind

I have spent years thinking him to be unfair but today I am aware

there is something beautiful planned for me

I need to fear no more, no more be sad for not having done anything extraordinary

I had a lot of promise as a young girl but somewhere....down the line I got distracted

I am out of it today and I hope I am able to live my mom's dream today

1 comment:

  1. Yes! So true...just when we are about to give up, God puts our faith for hin back in us by making us experience miracles :-) have you listened to the song "Jesus, take the wheel" by Carrie Underway...i think I got that name right ;-) just do google search in case! Love this song...and the other favourite is "Love the way you hold me" sorry forgot the singers :-P
